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This year Thaisubcon on 15-18th of May is another year that Focus Mechanic has a chance to participate.

This year Thaisubcon on 15-18th of May is another year that Focus Mechanic has a chance to participate.

21 Jun 2024
This year Thaisubcon on 15-18th of May is another year that Focus Mechanic has a chance to participate. The highlight of this year are;
-Best 1, a coolant recycle system for extracting tramp oil from good coolant and disinfecting with ozone. What separate Best1 from competitor is its ability to truly separate tramp oil out from the coolant this way the customer will save on the coolant that would be otherwise dispose with the tramp oil
-Foodie, a chips remover that allow you to filter out metals or other small chips from the system without having to stop the machine
-Emulcut 160 a state of the art emulsion for heavy machining of difficult materials like aluminum, titanium and Inconel. It also gives the longest tool life for the customers than any other products
-Ultrasafe 620 UV newly developed ultraviolet reflecting fire resistant hydraulic fluid. It allows the customer to easily do their maintenance routine of checking for leakage by simply shine an ultraviolet light along the pipe line.