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Because we know saving the environment cannot be waited, we developed the ENVO series of products to help our world.

Because we know saving the environment cannot be waited, we developed the ENVO series of products to help our world.

21 Jun 2024
Because we know saving the environment cannot be waited, we developed the ENVO series of products to help our world. These products can help our customers and our world by increasing the life time of the products, decreasing the power usage or using sustainable raw materials.
ENVOCLEAN N100 low-temperature cleaner to help decreasing the power usage
ENVOFORM WD 20 copper-wire drawing emulsion that extends life of emulsion, die life and waste
ENVOFORM 30 C drawing oil from sustainable raw material source
ENVOCAST aluminum casting lubricant which can be applied at a very low amount to help water usage
ENVOTECT rust preventive that based on recycle material