Working direction under Covid-19
04 Mar 2022
Due to the increasing severity of Covid-19 situation, Focus Mechanic has to put in places special policies to protect our employees as well as all stakeholders and to maintain our operation with minimum impact as followed. Regular operation
Regular operation
- increase stock level by 30% and increase stock at 2nd warehouse
- all employees have to measure body temperature every morning
- distributed masks and face shields to all employees to wear while working and in public area
- split office employees into two groups, only one group works each day and reduced working hour to 9.00-16.00
- employees take turn for lunch break
- no outside party allowed in the office and factory
- all employees will have Artigen test at least once a month and the latest is all negative results on 2nd of AUG
- 97% of all employees have received first dose of Covid-19 vaccine (the rest are new employees)
Delivery operation
- all employees have to wear masks at all time
- spray disinfectant both inside and outside of all vehicles return to factory
- spray disinfectant every outside vehicle entering the factory
Service operation
- needs customers cooperation in collecting samples by themselves and pass them to our service team to ensure our service do not need to enter customers factories
- refrain from cleaning replica watches uk tanks or machines
- if needed, our service personal will wear PPE while inside customers’ factories and spray disinfectant on the suit after leaving customer’s factory Focus Mechanic apologize for any inconvenience that might be a result from this policies